Javier Torres Torija

Known For
El barrendero
Art Direction
Even the Wind Is Afraid
Production Design
Gran Casino
Production Design
Why Was I Born a Woman?
Production Design
Full Filmography
Pepita Jimenez
Production Design
¡Ay qué rechula es Puebla!
Production Design
Smoke in the Eyes
Production Design
Gran Casino
Production Design
Los siete niños de Écija
Production Design
Albur de amor
Production Design
Art Designer
The Pearl
Production Design
El Colmillo de Buda
Art Designer
Nosotros los rateros
Production Design
¡No me defiendas, compadre!
Production Design
Soy Charro de Levita
Production Design
The Man Without a Face
Production Design
La loca de la casa
Production Design
The King of the Neighborhood
Production Design
Vino el remolino y nos alevantó
Production Design
Apartment house
Production Design
Tierra baja
Production Design
Sandwiches Here!
Production Design
La huella de unos labios
Production Design
Los hijos de María Morales
Set Designer
The Martyr of Calvary
Production Design
Por ellas aunque mal paguen
Set Designer
Paco, el elegante
Production Design
Las locuras de Tin Tan
Production Design
Oh Pain, Little Pain, Pain!
Art Direction
Por el mismo camino
Production Design
Dios los cría
Production Design
Cuidado con el amor
Production Design
The Intruder
Production Design
The Medallion of Crime
Art Designer
Maternidad imposible
Production Design
X Murderer
Art Designer
La mujer ajena
Art Direction
Music School
Production Design
Padre contra hijo
Art Designer
School for Tramps
Production Design
El seductor
Production Design
Tú y las nubes
Set Decoration
Wild Heart
Production Design
Los hijos de Rancho Grande
Art Designer
The Illegitimate
Production Design
La faraona
Production Design
Locos Peligrosos
Production Design
Each child, a cross
Production Design
Los tres mosqueteros y medio
Production Design
The Curse of the Aztec Mummy
Art Direction
The Aztec Mummy
Production Design
Pobres millonarios
Production Design
The New Invisible Man
Production Design
School for Mothers-in-Law
Set Designer
The Robot vs. The Aztec Mummy
Production Design
El gran espectáculo
Set Decoration
Sueños de oro
Production Design
The Man and the Monster
Set Designer
The Vivanco Ladies
Production Design
Two Ghosts and a Girl
Production Design
The Ship of Monsters
Production Design
Jóvenes y rebeldes
Production Design
The World of the Vampires
Set Designer
Three Romeos and One Juliet
Production Design
The Brainiac
Production Design
The Witch's Mirror
Production Design
Cazadores de asesinos
Production Design
The Four Juanes
Production Design
Dos meseros majaderos
Production Design
Juan Colorado
Production Design
The Panther Women
Production Design
Adios cuñado
Production Design
The Specter's Road
Production Design
Amanecí en tus brazos
Production Design
Un dorado de Pancho Villa
Production Design
Operación carambola
Production Design
The Bat Woman
Production Design
Even the Wind Is Afraid
Production Design
Memories of the Future
Production Design
Night of the Bloody Apes
Production Design
Why Was I Born a Woman?
Production Design
Santo in the Vengeance of the Mummy
Production Design
El vals sin fin
Production Design
The Innocent
Production Design
The Deadly Trackers
Art Direction
Santo and Blue Demon vs. Dr. Frankenstein
Set Designer
Before the Corpse of a Leader
Production Design
Resigned for Reasons of Health
Production Design
El patrullero 777
Production Design
Muñecas de medianoche
Production Design
Demonoid: Messenger of Death
Production Design
El barrendero
Art Direction
Production Design
Data provided by TMDB