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The film buff’s ultimate companion tool

Search, save, and rate movies with ease. Make and share lists, or have AI make them for you. See what’s streaming on your watch providers and get email notifications when movies become available.

Powerful universal search

Quickly find any movie or person you’re looking for.

See if movies are available to stream, rent, or in theaters.

With the power of AI, the universal search can also generate a list of movies based on a prompt you provide.

Keyboard shortcuts make access to search just a keystroke away.

Create and browse lists

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Filter and sort and find out where your saved movies are available to stream or rent.

Browse our curated lists of movies. Or create your own custom lists for yourself or share them with friends.

Rate and log movies

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Rating movies you’ve seen will improve movie recommendations and affect Cinefiler’s rating score.

Explore your rated movies through data visualizations such as calendars, maps, and graphs.

Streaming and rent availability

Pick your watch providers and easily filter movies by what is available on them. You can also opt into receiving email notifications when movies you have saved become available on your watch providers.

Install the progressive web app

In Mobile Safari choose "Add to Home Screen" to install Cinefiler for a more native experience.

In Google Chrome on a desktop computer, click the install prompt in the top right once you log in.

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Data provided by TMDB